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Most Important Full forms of Gk for Competitive Exams 2021

 Important Full forms of Gk


  1. ABM  →  Anti Ballistic Missile 
  2. ABVP  →   Akhil Bharti Vidhyarthi 
  3. ADB  →   Asian Development Bank 
  4. ALFSPA  →    Arm Force Special Power Act
  5. AIDS  →   Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome 
  6. AIIMS  →  All Indian Institute  Of Medical Science
  7. AMRUT  →  Atal Mission For Rejuvenation And Urban Transformation 
  8. ARC  →  Administrative Reforms Commission 
  9. ATM  →  Automatic Teller Machine
  10. AI  →  Artificial Intelligence 
  11. AU  →  African Union
  12. APEC  →  Asian  Pacific Economy Cooperation 


13. BBC  →   British Broadcasting Cooperation
14. BCCI  →  Board of Control for Cricket Indian
15. BOP  →  Balance Of Payment
16. BOT →  Balance OF Trade 
17. BSE  →  Bombay Stock Change 
18. BSF  →  Border Security Force 
19. BPO  →  Business Process Outsourcing 
20. BAMS  →  Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery   


21. CAD  →  Command Area Development 
22. CBDT  →  Central Board of Direct Taxes
23. CBS  →  Core Banking Solution 
24. CIA  →  Criminal  Investigation Agency
25. CID  →  Criminal Investigation Department 
26. CII  →  Confidence of Indian Industries 
27. CRPF  →  Central Reserve Police Force
28. CRPC  →  Criminal Processor Code 
29. CBI  →   Central Bureau of Investigation
30. CWC  →  Chemical Weapons Convention


31. DNA  →  Deoxyribo - Nucleic - Acid
32. DVD  →  Digital Versatile Disk
33. DRDO  →  Defence  Research And Development Organization
34. DTH  → Direct - To - Home
35. DRDNA  →  District Rural Development Agency


36.  EMI  →  Equated Monthly Instalment 
37.  EVM  →  Electronic Voting Machine
38.  ECB  →  European Central Bank 
39.  EMS  →  European Monitoring System


40. FBI  →  Federal Bureau of Investigation
41. FIR  →  Fast Information Report 
42. FCI  →  Food Cooperation of India
43. FM  →  Frequency Modulation
44. FICCI  →  Federation  of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industries
45. FSSAI  →  Food Safety And Standard of India


46. GST  →  Good Service Tax
47. GAP  →  Ganga Action Plan
48. GUI  →  Graphic User Interface
49. GIF  →  Graphic Interchange Format
50. GPS  →  Global Position System


51. HDI  →  Human Development Index
52. HIV  →  Human Immuno Deficiency Virus
53. HMT  →  Hindustan Machine Tool 


54. ISRO  →  Indian Space Research Organization
55. IQ  →  Intelligence Quotient 
56. ICAR  →  Indian Council Of Agriculture Research
57. IPL  →  Indian Primer League
58. ISI  →  Inter Services Intelligences 
59. IPS  →  Indian Police Service
60. IAS  →  Indian Administrative Service 
61. IBM  →  International Business Machine 
62. IPC  →  Indian Pinal Code
63. INA  →  Indian National Army 
64. ICCI  →  Industrial Credit Investment Cooperation of Indian Limited


65.  MBBS  →  Bachelor of Medicine And Bachelor of Surgery 
66. MNC  →  Multi National Company 
67. MRTC  →  Monopoly and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission 
68. MUDRA  →  Micro Unit Development  And Refinance Agency 
69. MNREGA  →  Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Gurantee Act
70. MNP  →  Mobile Number Portability 


71. NASA  →  National Aeronautics Space Administration 
72. NCC →  National Credit Core
73. NDA  →  National Defence Academy 
74. NCERT  →  National Council of  Education Research and Training
75. NOTA  →  None Of The Above 
76.NSA  →  National Security Agency
77. NPS  →  National Public Scheme 


78. PIN  →  Postal Index Number
79. POTA  →  Prevention Of Terrorism  Activity 
80. PWD  →  Public Work Department
81. PAN  →  Permanent Account Number 


82. SAARC  South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
83. SIM - Subscribe Identification Module 
84. STD - Sexually Transmit Disease 
85. SAI - Sports Authority of India 


86. UNO  →  United Nation Organization
87. UNI  →  United News of India
88. UNESCO  →  United Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
89. UNICEF  →  United Nation Framework International Children Emergency Fund
90. UNSC  →  United Nation Security Council 


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